Q: When was the last time the carpet was replaced and interior walls of the church painted at Holy Name?
A: July of 2003
Q: Who was the pastor at that time?
A: Father Joseph
The pastor and parish council believe now is the time to do the necessary maintenance needed in our liturgical space with a fresh coat of paint and new carpeting in the sanctuary and vinyl flooring in the sacristy and elevator. The project has been an ongoing agenda item and been in consideration for 2 years. As time has passed the need has become greater for something to be done.
The parish has received a donation to begin the project but we need your help. We are looking to supplement that gift by raising an additional estimated $9,000 to complete the funding before moving forward. We are confident in your responses to successfully exceed our goal, those possible funds will be used to resurface the Cry Room/Bride’s Room and for other maintenance projects specific to the church.
To reduce costs, we will be asking for volunteers to help remove the old carpet and prepare the floor surfaces for the new flooring that will be professionally installed. Minor repairs will be done to the choir platform. The new nylon carpeting will have an accent strip in a solid color to help define the steps more clearly in the sanctuary area.
We are working on a short time line. We would like to complete the project this summer if the funds can be raised. We ask you to prayerfully consider supporting this project be it monetarily now or by raising your hand to help when volunteers are asked for with the painting or carpet removal.
If you are able to make a gift please place an envelope in the collection basket marked: CARPET/PAINT fund. If you have any additional questions/concerns please call the Parish Center and your call will be returned. Updates will be announced at Mass and in the bulletin as donations are received.
Faithful to His Name
The Parish Council of Holy Name of Jesus.