Author Archives: Admin
Vacation Bible School Changes for 2020 – All NEW
It is with sadness that Holy Name has chosen to cancel Miraculous Mission VBS. After much prayer and consideration we felt it was the right thing to do for the safety of the children and volunteers. There is some good news though, Holy Name will be working with other area Catholic Churches to bring a new type of VBS to our families.
To register, click anywhere on box below:
Neighborhood Catholics in Service (NCIS) – Middle School Week of Service.
This the first year that Holy Name will be joining other Wausau Area Catholic Churches.
- Middle School Week of Service
- August 4-6, 2020
- For youth entering grades 6-8
- NCIS Youth Summer Work Camp is a local service experience designed to bring you in contact with others while serving the community. Instead of just “talkin’ the talk,” you’ll be “walkin’ the walk.” Though we cannot gather in person for this annual tradition of service, there are always ways we can serve those in need! Join in with NCIS: Wausau to learn and grow together!
- More info and registration at:
Homily, June 7th, 2020
Holy Trinity Sunday Mass –
Holy Trinity Sunday Mass Participation Aid – 6/7/20
Father Sam Martin’s Relevant Radio Broadcast on Pentecost.
Pentecost Sunday Mass with 1st Communion – 5/31/20
Homily, May 31st, 2020
Pentecost Sunday Mass – 5/31/20
Pentecost Mass on 5/31/20 at Holy Name will be posted Sunday afternoon. Thank you for your patience.