Category Archives: Announcements
On behalf of Bishop William Patrick Callahan. A COVID-19 update letter.
Back to School video message from Bishop Callahan
I hope you’ve had a good summer and had a chance to spend some time with family, friends and Jesus. I’ve heard about some of the things your schools have been doing this past year and I’m always proud when I hear how our schools are making a difference in the many communities of our diocese. Thank you for your good work and care for those around you.
75th Anniversary Raffle. Select your choice of prize on the ticket stub. $1 each, need not be present to win. Tickets available at Church entrances or the Parish Center.
The Diocese of La Crosse congratulates Matthew Szymanski, John Duranso, Joseph Glatczak, and Brian Ward pictured with Bishop Callahan. Please pray for these seminarians as they begin their theological studies and formation to the priesthood.
Director of Religious Education & Youth Ministry Position Available
Director of Religious Education & Youth Ministry Position Available
Holy Name of Jesus parish is seeking a full-time Director of Religious Education and Youth Ministry. As it relates to faith formation this position will be responsible for organizing and implementing the parish religious education program for grades K-10, along with VBS and Children’s Liturgy of the Word. The DRE will also coordinate sacramental preparation for Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation and RCIA. Other duties will include: coordinate safe environment for the parish, and all office and administrative duties related to the areas of responsibility. Relating to Youth Ministry this position will manage all youth ministry events, gatherings, fundraising, and trips for youth in grades 6-12.
Requirements for the ideal candidate are:
• Good communication skills, comfortable public speaking.
• Well organized for mutli-tasking many projects at a time.
• Aid and supervise volunteers for all areas of responsibility.
• Knowledge of, and experience with, Microsoft office programs and various social media apps.
• Available to work nights and weekends throughout the year.
• Bachelors in Theology, or appropriate work experience in the field.
• In good standing with the Catholic Church.
For a more detailed job description please contact Fr. Sam Martin at 715-842-4543.