Category Archives: Announcements
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Bishop William Patrick Callahan Greetings.
The Peace in Christmas
This year, I invite you to take some time to enter into Christmas through the eyes of St. Joseph as we consider his role in the Incarnation and his unfailing trust in God’s plan for our salvation. Despite the many obstacles and circumstances with which he was presented, the Church celebrates his heroic virtues and has given him many titles. At Christmas, I invite you to consider these three specifically: The Spouse of Mary, The Foster Father of Jesus and The Pillar of Families.
St. Joseph, in a very humble and obedient fashion, took Mary as his wife, despite learning she was with child. St. Joseph was given peace when the angel explained to him the message of the Incarnation and Mary’s role in salvation history. St. Joseph rightly bears the title Spouse of Mary and we can look to him for inspiration when we are faced with difficult situations.
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Father Martin on The Inner Life talk show
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Joy in the Journey – 1/6/21 at 7:00 pm
WDREL is excited to be offering “Joy in the Journey” presented by Betty Manion January 6, 2021 from 7:00-8:00 pm. Betty will offer a reflection with a focus on Mary and overcoming, moving around, or through the difficulties in the journey of life by finding Joy. No need to miss out if you already have plans that evening; it will be available for viewing after the event.
To register go to:
Feel free to share the link as there is no participation limit.
Join the Zoom 2020 Virtual Casa Hogar Advent Celebration
The families are in motion to get their nativity scenes set for December 17th! Join us for a LIVE tour at 7:00pm CST via Zoom.
Place your bids and help us decide the winners! Bids can be placed via the comments below or by emailing
Bids available for:
•$1 (or $5, $10, $15+!) for every FULL set of 3 wisemen found in all of Casa Hogar
•$1 (or $5, $10, $15+!) for every FULL set of Joseph, Mary and empty crib
•$5 to every family who has over 10 animals (without any missing legs or heads)
•$5 to every family who incorporates lights
•Place a wager of any amount on one or two families winning!
•Open Challenge—have an idea? Send it our way and we’ll pass along to the family to make sure they try to incorporate into their nativity scene
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Passcode: 220529