Category Archives: Announcements
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Participation Aid
Catholicism 101 – New location on the website.
In an effort to streamline the location of Fr. Martin’s talks, a button dedicated to his ‘Faith Talks and Lessons’ has been created.
- Go below the main picture on the website.
- Click on the picture of Fr. Martin (1st in the line of pictures).
- Fr. Martin’s latest talk will be on the top. You can easily access any older talk you may have missed.
‘Martin’s Minutes’ has NOT moved. Those recordings will remain in the ‘Martin’s Minutes’ tab at the top.
If you have any questions or difficulties with this change, please feel free to contact the office at 715-842-4543.
Where can you find the Mass on the Holy Name website?
In an effort to continually improve our website, we have moved all Mass Live streaming and recordings to it’s own tab.
- On the Holy Name main page – go to the ‘Homebound Mass’ tab at the top.
- When you click on the ‘Homebound Mass’ two options will show: ‘Holy Name Mass’ and ‘Diocese Mass’.
- Click on ‘Holy Name Mass’ and it will take you to the Holy Name Mass list.
- The latest Mass will be on top.
Please feel free to call the office at 715-842-4543 should you have any problems with this change.