Vacation Bible

Vacation Bible

Vacation Bible

Parachute with the angels
This summer we are offering Vacation Bible Camp at the parish for students entering kindergarten to 5 th grade.

This week-long program will be held from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, July 22-26.

Our theme this year is Parachute with the Angels. God is your pilot: Destination Heaven! Check-in with St. Catherine, pick up your flight plan, and meet your copilot, your very own Guardian
Angel. Earn your wings and soar through the sky as one of God’s special Angeltroopers. Encounter exciting characters from the Bible whose lives were transformed by angels.

This exciting adventure offers amazing music, awesome Bible activities, creative crafts, energizing games, and much more!

For registration:

For more information or if you have questions, contact Stacie:

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