In order to get Holy Name Sunday Mass live streamed on our website we need to meet a criteria set by Youtube. You can help this happen faster. Click on the Youtube link below and once on our page, you “subscribe” to our channel. Then watch the Mass, and any of the videos that are already uploaded on our page. The more subscribers and the more time that the videos are watched will get us to live streaming sooner. Until then, Mass will remain live on Facebook at 4:00 pm and will be on the website no later than 5:30 pm.
We have one week under our belts with the use of Youtube. We realize that there was “white noise” with the live video last week. Depending on your device it may have been barely noticeable, but we knew it was there. With the help of Tim (who unfortunately will be leaving us Monday), we have tried several different things to remove the white noise in the background. At this point it not been completely removed. After consultation with an audio specialist we believe it will be resolved next week. Unfortunately that does not change it for this weekend.
There is some good news though – one of the benefits of changing to Youtube Live is that within 24 hours of our posting the videos (often sooner) they will have closed captions. So if the background sound is too bothersome for you this week, please wait until Sunday and watch it with the closed captions.
Thank you for your patience with the changes we have made throughout out recording and transmitting the Masses live. It has been quite a learning curve, but one we have been happy to undertake in an effort to provide the best possible video for our parish family and friends.
Please know that whether you celebrate Mass in church or spiritually you are all in our prayers.